Archives for February 2014
Warren Harding Revealed
As part of my presentation at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda last night I premiered some rather extraordinary photos I unearthed at the Library of Congress. They show a 1920 photo shoot with Warren G. Harding in his backyard before he became president, and I’m guessing were for campaign purposes. At first I thought the photographer used a white backdrop, but it seems they were added afterwards on the negative or a copy neg of the photos. The pictures show Harding posing in various positions as if he’s speaking. Pretty interesting stuff, and shows an early awareness of the power of political photography. It also shows the less stuffy side of the Ohio Republican who became president a year later in 1921.
Warren Harding with background added
Warren Harding political pose
Harding speaks for the still camera
Warren Harding political poseur
Draper & Kennerly at the Nixon
Had a great time at the Nixon Library last night. Eric Draper, President George W. Bush’s official photographer and I were the featured speakers, and talked about our excellent adventures in presidential photography. The event was co-sponsored by Dr. Don Carleton and the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at the University of Texas. Mark Updegrove, director of the LBJ Library, moderated the discussion. Over 400 people showed up, and we got plenty of really good questions, particularly from the students who attended. Thanks to all the Nixon Library Staff, and my old friends Judge Jim Rogan, Dr. Jim Cavanaugh, Ron Walker, and Frank Gannon who attended.
Eric Draper and I toast on the seal at the Nixon Library after our talk.
I’m at the Nixon Library Speaking Tonight
Join me and Eric Draper, President George W. Bush’s official White House photographer, at the Nixon Library tonight in Yorba Linda, California. The program starts at 7 pm. It’s co-sponsored by the University of Texas Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, and will be moderated by Mark Updegrove, director of the LBJ Library. My talk is, “Presidential Photography from John Quincy Adams to Barack Obama.” I will reveal some rarely-seen photos of Warren Harding, which should make any presidential historian’s heart go pitter patter!
Presidential candidate Warren Harding’s wife straightens him up before an astonishing photo session in 1920. The pictures will be revealed tonight at the Nixon Library during my talk. Harding became the 29th President of the United States, from 1921-23, and died in office.
Warren Harding and wife before he posed for rare photo session.
Appearance at Nixon Library February 20
A Personal Look through the White House Lens
The Briscoe Center is proud to co-sponsor, A Personal Look through the White House Lens, at the The Richard Nixon Presidential Library & Museum on Feb. 20, 2014, at 7:00 p.m.
(l) David Hume Kennerly and (r) Eric Draper
Join us for this fun, free program featuring two of the most noted White House photographers: David Hume Kennerly, who served President Gerald Ford, and Eric Draper, who served President George W. Bush. Hear their up-close-and-personal experiences capturing the American presidency. Briscoe Center Director Don Carleton will introduce the program, which will be moderated by Mark Updegrove, director of the LBJ Library.
The program is held in conjunction with the exhibitNews to History: Selections from the Briscoe Center, on display at the Nixon Library through March 2, 2014.
The Nixon Library is located at 18001 Yorba Linda Blvd., Yorba Linda, California, 92886. To make a reservation for this event, please contact Kristen Nesbitt (512.495.4609,
The event is sponsored by the Nixon Foundation, the Nixon Presidential Library and Briscoe Center.
Dave Falconer, Inspiration and Friend is Gone
My first inspiration as a photographer, Dave Falconer died this week. He’s here with Mrs. Ford in the family residence at the White House, and in the oval office and on Air Force 1 with President Ford in 1974. Dave later became a friend, but his excellent photos in the Oregonian that I viewed from a distance in the early 60’s provided this young high school photographer from Roseburg motivation to my life’s calling. One of the great joys I took when I became the official White House photographer was arranging access for my colleagues, and getting Dave in the door to the oval office was particularly meaningful. He was a great guy, an excellent photographer, and a truly humble man. He will be dearly missed by all of us who knew him.
Dave Falconer in President Ford’s cabin on Air Force 1 on the way to Portland, Oregon
Oregonian photographer Dave Falconer meets President Ford in the Oval Office, Oct. 28, 1974
Oregonian photographer Dave Falconer talks to First Lady Betty Ford in the Family Residence at the White House
My Photos Collected
Kathleen Reiss has been collecting my photographs, and has done a great job of displaying them. I took these photos of my pictures yesterday in her bathroom, living room, and kitchen. I particularly like the bigger prints. They definitely make an impression from across the room!
“Bolshoi Dancers,” Bethesda, MD in friend’s swimming pool.
Living room featuring my “Palm, Santa Monica” photo from 2000.
iPhone photos in kitchen area