David Hume Kennerly Blog

Kennerly named a trustee of the Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust

By David Hume Kennerly | Jul 11, 2024

Kennerly named a trustee of the Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust It’s my great honor to be named as the seventh trustee of the Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust that was founded by its first trustee Ansel Adams in1976. We are the keepers of the Ansel flame and defenders of his legacy and copyright. The […] Read More

Sandra Day O’Connor: A Remembrance

By David Hume Kennerly | Dec 23, 2023

In 1996 when son Byron was twelve years old, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor gave him a tour of the U.S. Supreme Court building. He had first visited her there when he was three months old, but of course had no recollection of that. This encounter, on the other hand, was one he will always remember. […] Read More

The Image That Will Live in Infamy

By David Hume Kennerly | Sep 3, 2023

Former President Donald Trump’s police booking mugshot, to steal a quote from FDR, is an image that “will live in infamy.” It will end up being the most published photo ever taken. Unfortunately for him it will also be how he will be remembered for eternity. His short-term political gain will be a long-term disaster. […] Read More

Frederick C. Weyand, Compassionate General

By David Hume Kennerly | Aug 13, 2023

David Hume Kennerly remarks at the Gen Frederick C. Weyand U.S. Army Pacific HQ Building dedication Ft. Shafter, Hawaii,  August 11, 2023 I would be remiss if I didn’t note that General Charles Flynn, and General Fred Weyand had a couple of things in common. They both commanded the 25th Infantry Division 50 years apart […] Read More

The Blast

By David Hume Kennerly | Aug 10, 2023

Sixty three years ago, on August 7, 1959, I was 12 years old and something really bad happened in my sleepy little lumber town. Around one a.m. in the wee hours of a sweltering summer night the big siren over the fire station five blocks away from our house went off and woke me up. […] Read More

Robert F. Kennedy: The Man Who Changed My Life

By David Hume Kennerly | Jun 4, 2023

In 1966 I was a 19-year-old newbie staff photographer for the Oregon Journal, the state’s largest afternoon newspaper. One of my first big assignments was to photograph Sen. Robert Kennedy appearing in Portland. Kennedy was going to be the first national politician that I would lay eyes and my lens on. It was a visit […] Read More

The Third Lift

By David Hume Kennerly | Feb 20, 2023

I recently received a nice note from Bill Garlinghouse, a retired Navy combat cameraman who wanted to share a story with me about how a passage that he read in my book Shooter in the early eighties helped him out on his first foray into combat. I reprint this with his permission, and follow it […] Read More

By David Hume Kennerly | Dec 24, 2022

Afghan Women Banned from Universities Women students attend a university class in Afghanistan Ten years ago, in 2012, I traveled around Afghanistan giving lectures on a free press and America’s First Amendment protections. Some of my best students were women at Afghanistan’s major universities. I took this of some of them during one of my […] Read More

The First Lady

By David Hume Kennerly | Aug 27, 2022

Showtime recently announced that The First Lady series is cancelled.  Mercifully it only had one season. This will spare other former presidential wives from the historical malpractice visited upon the three women portrayed in the show by creator Aaron Cooley. It will, however, be a crushing disappointment for those waiting for the Jacqueline Kennedy and […] Read More