David Hume Kennerly Blog

My Photos Collected

By David Hume Kennerly | Feb 5, 2014

Kathleen Reiss has been collecting my photographs, and has done a great job of displaying them. I took these photos of my pictures yesterday in her bathroom, living room, and kitchen. I particularly like the bigger prints. They definitely make an impression from across the room!  

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More Thoughts on Narcisco Contreras

By David Hume Kennerly | Jan 29, 2014

This business with Narcisco Contreras, the AP photographer fired by them for improperly altering an image,  is fair warning about manipulation of photos, and rightfully so, but let’s not have a public lynching here. When a golfer makes an error in judgement he is disqualified from that tournament, but isn’t given life in prison. I […] Read More

Another Spectacular Night in the Big City

By David Hume Kennerly | Jan 27, 2014
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Altered States

By David Hume Kennerly | Jan 23, 2014

AP was right to fire this Pulitzer-winning photographer. The line has to be held against manipulation of news photos, otherwise nobody will ever believe what they see. Many don’t already. I feel bad for the photographer, he admitted what he did was wrong, and took responsibility. I hope this lapse of judgment doesn’t ruin his […] Read More

Miss America Holding the Bag

By David Hume Kennerly | Jan 20, 2014

A year ago today. Miss America  Mallory Harden at a Politico/Bank of America event in Washington, D.C. President Obama was sworn into his second term on this day also.

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The Great PCH Fire of ’14

By David Hume Kennerly | Jan 15, 2014

  A few shots from yesterday’s fire alongside the Pacific Coast Highway in Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica yesterday.

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Ask me a photo question!

By David Hume Kennerly | Jan 6, 2014

I’ve just completed the shooting portion of my “iPhoto a Day in 2013” project. So now I’m in the writing phase, and would love to hear questions you might have about taking better pictures. Part of the book will include my thoughts on how to accomplish better photography with the tools at hand, whether they […] Read More

Happy New Year!

By David Hume Kennerly | Jan 1, 2014

A more complete account to follow this weekend, I’m on the road starting early tomorrow, but here’s a moment from this afternoon taken from the Sea Lion Caves on the Oregon coast looking toward the Heceta Head Lighthouse. It was beautiful light, a magic moment, shot with the iP5s w/proHDR app.

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The Other Person in the Room

By David Hume Kennerly | Dec 11, 2013

Since President Lyndon B. Johnson, the White House photographer in many cases has been the other person in the room when the big decisions are made. Not speaking, not taking notes, but rather using his or her camera to record some of the most momentous decisions and events that have ever happened. Their job is […] Read More